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Analysis of the Social Network Models of Transnational Criminal Networks Operating in the Southeastern Border of the European Union


This paper examines the transnational criminal networks (TCN) operating in the Southeastern border of the European Union (SBEU). More specifically, the analysis focuses on TCN operating on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, which became the external border of the European Union after the country’s accession to the EU in 2007.

The primary data used for the analysis is based on court rulings from four criminal trial cases in Bulgaria. It was processed with the help of a social network analysis tool, developed at Vortex Foundation.

This publication was supported by the Think Thank Fund.

  • Georgi Petrunov: researcher and author
  • Eduardo Salcedo-Albaran, Social Network Graphs and Analysis.
  • Nikolay Yanev, Researcher.
  • Alex Velev and Snezhina Atanassova, translation.

The whole document in *pdf (Vortex Woking Paper №10)